Featured image for “Join the Friday Fun in Wollaston with the Fun Club”
February 21, 2023
Published by Becky

Join the Friday Fun in Wollaston with the Fun Club

If you’re at a loose end on Fridays, why not join Fun Club? If you’re a dab hand at arts and crafts or a budding actor, or you’d just like to meet new people, socialise or help out simply by
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Featured image for “What we can achieve if we work together! Celebrating inspirational local people, groups and projects across Dudley Borough #dva19 #dvastory”
December 7, 2019
Published by Helena

What we can achieve if we work together! Celebrating inspirational local people, groups and projects across Dudley Borough #dva19 #dvastory

Dudley CVS’s Annual General Meeting and Awards is a celebration that recognises inspirational local volunteers, people and groups who generously give their time to help make life better for others in Dudley borough. It’s also a time to reflect on
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Featured image for “Airtime: A friendly space to meet other people living with COPD and related conditions”
November 20, 2019
Published by Helena

Airtime: A friendly space to meet other people living with COPD and related conditions

At the Dudley CVS Annual Awards and AGM this year we spotlighted some of the amazing groups and individuals we supported during 2018/19. One of those groups was Airtime, a weekly group for members of the community with COPD and
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Featured image for “Deafscope: Breaking down barriers for the Deaf community”
August 23, 2019
Published by Becky

Deafscope: Breaking down barriers for the Deaf community

We recently met with the people behind @Deafscope who are breaking down barriers for the Deaf community.
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Featured image for “Healthwatch Dudley welcomes over 100 new Information Champions”
July 23, 2019
Published by Dudley CVS

Healthwatch Dudley welcomes over 100 new Information Champions

During the last five years, hundreds of people from local organisations and community groups, have joined Healthwatch Dudley to network with other people in information giving roles. Our unique training enables people to learn, share and practice how to help
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Featured image for ““It all starts with a phone call and a cuppa””
May 29, 2019
Published by Dudley CVS

“It all starts with a phone call and a cuppa”

The High Intensity User (HIU) service (developed by NHS Blackpool CCG) has been rolled out across Dudley borough by the Integrated Plus social prescribing team as part of Dudley CVS. The service offers a robust way of reducing avoidable frequent
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May 18, 2019
Published by Dudley CVS

Integrated Plus delivers a successful peer learning programme for staff delivering social prescribing schemes around the East and West Midlands

During January – April 2019, Dudley CVS’s Integrated Plus service delivered a social prescribing peer learning programme for link workers around the country. The programme enabled existing link workers from across the East and West Midlands to connect with each
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Featured image for “Self-Care                           What’s it all about then?”
April 25, 2019
Published by robdalziel

Self-Care What’s it all about then?

Healthwatch Dudley research shows that self-care is a complex topic and what it is can be different depending, for example, on where you live, whether you have a job or not, and how old you are. We undertook work to
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March 26, 2019
Published by Dudley CVS

Integrated Plus Service – evidencing the value of social prescribing for people living in Dudley borough

During late 2018, Dudley CVS appointed an external consultant, David Waterfall, to work alongside the team to collate and analyse data regarding the Integrated Plus social prescribing service, and to use this information to produce an evidence-led evaluation report. Dudley
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